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Press releases

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Press releases

Hans-Arthur Marsiske, "RoboCup German Open: Die Mauerblümchen-Ligen", heise online, 04.04.2014, Link

Andy Chang, "Mobile manipulators go mainstream", National Instruments Corp., 02.10.13 Link

Gerald Himmelein "Evoke 2013: Highlights von der Party", 21.08.2013, [Update 21.9.2013] Link

Ackerman, Evan "Video Friday: Insectobots on the Run, Drones Dodge Fireworks, and Robots Dance with Sheets", 26.07.2013 Link

Guizzo, Erico "KUKA Robot Competition Offers 20,000-Euro Award", 15.05.2013 Link

Ackerman, Evan "MIT Robots Can Assemble Your IKEA Furniture For You", 08.05.2013 Link

Ackerman, Evan "UZH Wishes Us All a Happy Robot Easter", 31.05.2013 Link

Ackerman, Evan "Video Friday: Hubo and Valves, UAVs and Lasers, and One Very Lucky Parrot", 14.12.2012 Link

Ackerman, Evan "Photo Gallery: Snake Robots, Humanoids, Drones, and More", 17.10.2012 Link

Marsiske, Hans-Arthur "IROS: Job-Perspektiven für Serviceroboter" , 10.10.2012 Link

Marsiske, Hans-Arthur "IROS: Roboter werden immer billiger" , 10.09.2012 Link

Marsiske, Hans-Arthur "Roboter für Formationsflüge oder den Kindergarten" , 10.09.2012 Link

Ackerman, Evan "ICRA 2011 Expo Gallery", 23.05.2011 Link

Pluta, Werner "Youbot, der Forschungsroboter aus Augsburg" 15.06.2010

Content: Introducing the KUKA youBot, in German. Link  

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The youBot Store publications site offers a brief overview of publications including subjects all around mobile manipulation & the KUKA youBot. We are in the process of collecting all papers, books and articles about the youBot.

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