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This software includes a ROS navigation stack adapted for the KUKA youBot. It provides local navigation and obstacle avoidance functionalities based on the laser scanner readings. Here you find step-by-step instructions on how to get this ROS stack running on the youBot.
== Installation ==
This install guide assumes that ROS Wrapper for KUKA youBot API is already installed. If not follow this link for the installation instructions.
To compile the navigation stack enter:
$ rosmake youbot_navigation
Note: You also have to set the "udev" rules for the hokuyo sensor, if not done so far. This setting is done automatically, if you install the remastered Ubuntu image for the youBot. Otherwise follow this link and go to chapter Usage. There you will find the section where you can set the udev rule.
Usage in simulation
The navigation stack can be either used in simulation or on a real platform. First it is shown how to navigate in simulation. In the first terminal window start roscore:
$ roscore
Start the youbot simulation in two more terminals:
$ roslaunch youbot_description youbot_publisher.launch
Finally in the last terminal window start the local navigation:
$ roslaunch youbot_navigation_local move_base_local.launch
Usage for real robot
In case of navigation with a real KUKA youBot you need to use youbot_oodl and Hokuy laser scaner nodes. First start roscore:
$ roscore
In a new terminal window start youbot_oodl_driver:
$ roslaunch youbot_oodl youbot_oodl_driver.launch
in the next window start youbot_joint_state_publisher:
$ roslaunch youbot_oodl youbot_joint_state_publisher.launch
after that, start hokuyo driver:
$ roslaunch youbot_navigation_common base_front_hokuyo_node.launch
and finally start local navigation:
$ roslaunch youbot_navigation_local move_base_local.launch
Monitoring with rviz
rviz is a visualization tool that can be used for different purposes. In our case we use rviz to visualize an obstacle map, the planned path, the goal location and orientation of the youBot etc. A complete tutorial can be found here. From the terminal window start rviz:
$ rosrun rviz rviz
In the rviz GUI select File/Load profile. Select the already prepared navigation profile “local_navigation_rviz.vcg”, which is located in your installation of youbot navigation stack: youbot-ros-pkg/youbot_navigation/youbot_navigation_local/config/local_navigation_rviz.vcg. You should get a result similar to the one on the screen-shot below.
Use the 2D Nav Goal button to specify the desired location and orientation for the youBot. The robot should move towards the goal positions you specified. Be careful when setting target positions!
== Hydro ==
== Hydro ==

Revision as of 17:24, 3 February 2015

This software includes a ROS navigation stack adapted for the KUKA youBot. It provides local navigation and obstacle avoidance functionalities based on the laser scanner readings. Here you find step-by-step instructions on how to get this ROS stack running on the youBot.


This install guide assumes that ROS Wrapper for KUKA youBot API is already installed. If not follow this link for the installation instructions.

To compile the navigation stack enter:

$ rosmake youbot_navigation

Note: You also have to set the "udev" rules for the hokuyo sensor, if not done so far. This setting is done automatically, if you install the remastered Ubuntu image for the youBot. Otherwise follow this link and go to chapter Usage. There you will find the section where you can set the udev rule.

Usage in simulation

The navigation stack can be either used in simulation or on a real platform. First it is shown how to navigate in simulation. In the first terminal window start roscore:

$ roscore

Start the youbot simulation in two more terminals:

$ roslaunch youbot_description youbot_publisher.launch

Finally in the last terminal window start the local navigation:

$ roslaunch youbot_navigation_local move_base_local.launch

Usage for real robot

In case of navigation with a real KUKA youBot you need to use youbot_oodl and Hokuy laser scaner nodes. First start roscore:

$ roscore

In a new terminal window start youbot_oodl_driver:

$ roslaunch youbot_oodl youbot_oodl_driver.launch

in the next window start youbot_joint_state_publisher:

$ roslaunch youbot_oodl youbot_joint_state_publisher.launch

after that, start hokuyo driver:

$ roslaunch youbot_navigation_common base_front_hokuyo_node.launch

and finally start local navigation:

$ roslaunch youbot_navigation_local move_base_local.launch

Monitoring with rviz

rviz is a visualization tool that can be used for different purposes. In our case we use rviz to visualize an obstacle map, the planned path, the goal location and orientation of the youBot etc. A complete tutorial can be found here. From the terminal window start rviz:

$ rosrun rviz rviz

In the rviz GUI select File/Load profile. Select the already prepared navigation profile “local_navigation_rviz.vcg”, which is located in your installation of youbot navigation stack: youbot-ros-pkg/youbot_navigation/youbot_navigation_local/config/local_navigation_rviz.vcg. You should get a result similar to the one on the screen-shot below.


Use the 2D Nav Goal button to specify the desired location and orientation for the youBot. The robot should move towards the goal positions you specified. Be careful when setting target positions!


   git clone http://github.com/youbot/youbot_navigation -b hydro-devel
   cd .. 