Youbot Windows demo

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The youBot Windows demo is a simple program that does some short motions of the KUKA youBot. It is essentially the same as the regular Hello World example, it only comes with additional configuration files which should simplifiy compilation unter Windows.

The program is located on Github at

In order to run it:

  • Download and unzip resp. checkout the repository into any folder.
  • Start the file runCMake.bat in the project root folder, e.g. by double-clicking it in the file browser.
  • If successfull, this will generate a file "(project_root)/build/youbot_windows_demo.sln".
  • Open that file with Visual Studio and compile (e.g. choosing menu Build/Build Solution, or pressing F7)
  • Run the program
    • In Visual Studio, in the Solution Explorer Window right click on "list_pcap_devices" and from the context menu select "Debug/Start new instance"
    • Or start "(project_root)/build/Debug/youbot_windows_demo.exe" from file browser or console

If everything was setup correctly, the mobile platform (if available) should move a bit forward and sideways, and the manipulator (if available) should go straight up and back down.

If nothing happens, the youbot driver did probably not find the robot. To see the console output of the program, there are different options:

  • set a breakpoint at the end of the program,
  • run the program from a console or
  • enter a short C++ statement at the end to wait for key press or run an endless loop.

We are probably going to change the program so that it will always wait at the end.