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The forklift sold by the youBot store is a perfect tool for testing warehouse logistics algorithms. It can be mounted on a KUKA youBot and does not require any additional power supply.


Hardware specification

Max stroke 250 mm
Max payload 6 kg
Weight without payload 5,5 kg
Min linear speed 3 mm/s
Max linear speed 10 mm/s
Operational voltage 24 V - 48 V
Nominal motor current 4,2 A
Max phase current 6 A
Communication USB
Forks spacing 140 - 260 mm
Material frame: aluminium (black anodized)

fork: stainless steel

Installing the software

In the following it is assumed that there is a catkin workspace created in

∼/catkin ws

into which the forklift packages are checkout out. If another catkin folder is used just replace it in the following command. To checkout and compile the forklift software run in a command shell cd ∼/catkin ws/src git clone forklift.git cd .. catkin make This should compile without any errors. It is not possible to install the software via debian packages and apt-get commands yet.

More informations

For detailed informations about the forklift please read Forklift operating and assembly instructions.