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Tutorials & project descriptions

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Tutorials & project descriptions
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Tutorials & project descriptions

National Instruments "LabVIEW Robotics KUKA youBot API" ,, 22.08.2013 Link

Knepper, Ross A. "IKEA Furniture Assembly", 2013 Link

Knepper, Ross A. "IkeaBot--Automated Multi-Robot Furniture Assembly", 2013 Link

Knepper, Ross A. "Intro to ROS on the youBot in Python", 03.10.2012. PDF

KU Leuven "Youbot lissajous tracing tutorial (Cartesian VKC)", BRICS Research Camp 2011, 2012.

Content: This tutorial explains how to create an application to trace a Lissajous figure with a KUKA youBot. Link

The following links will lead to a collection of small tutorials on the youBot, written by Jan Paulus and published on youBot_driver, youBot_applications, youBot_API

XITASO GmbH "youBot Control"

Content: Turorial for installing and using the XITASO youBot Control XITASO youBot Control

Would you like to contribute your material 

The youBot Store publications site offers a brief overview of publications including subjects all around mobile manipulation & the KUKA youBot. We are in the process of collecting all papers, books and articles about the youBot.

If your publication is not included, we would be very happy to add your document/link to the list, as well. Please send us the link and source to